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Télangiectasies maculaires, diagnostic et avanceés thérapeutiques
Publié le 01 juin. 2021
Réalités Ophtalmologiques. Juin 2021
FIL-SSF Carlevale intraocular lens for sutureless scleral fixation: 7 recommendations from a serie of 72 cases. MICA study (Multicentric Study of the Carlevale IOL).
Publié le 17 juin. 2021
Purpose: Lacking a standard technique, the surgical management of aphakia without capsular support remains to be optimized. The goal of this study is to analyze results for the...
Home vision monitoring in patients with maculopathy: Real-life study of the OdySight application.
Publié le 20 mai. 2021
Introduction: The goal of the present study was to analyze the implementation and clinical efficacy of OdySight, a mobile medical application for the remote monitoring of patients...
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